***Pet schizo mentions***
https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89585153#p89587554https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89578465#p89579236https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89566626#p89574035https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89463302#p89529187>>I don't think gunrun would "demand" anything>Get pet schizo in here for a lore dump.idk what the fuck they mean
>>89605072>>89605136Oh gee, I dunno, mei was self posting and we all got annoyed and shat on them for it, kson, geega, etc, not even an interview mind you
This dumb fucking bitch is with the backstabbing kettle and ironmouse geega didnt know at the time so that can be understood
After shitposting meicha heavily, they started screaming about draco and by archive diving about draco for some reaosn meicha screams about a UNDERAGED MINOR 17 at the time of the posts (probably younger when whatever went down hapepned) so why is meicha claiming a draco 17 year old kid is their schizo
why is some kid upset with meicha
why did the fbi contact meicha and why did meicha lie and say theyre not meicha to the fbi
yeah theirs clips of the fbi story from meicha themselves
meicha got upset their self posting got called out and spewed about draco
eventually realising none of us are the child they groomed they screamed about "beryl" oh look two children meicha groomed
Gee, I wonder why we hate the Intersex Male who was born Intersex and chose/was forced to be male puberty then did a female puberty later thereby making this intersex, also MtF tranny
I wonder why we hate lying, coat tail chasing, clout goblins who groom kids
Ironmouse is a pedo who wears diapers and henya literally uses a child model and pedo baits, so are we surprised these two still platform and support this pedophile
Infact, all of vshojo im highly disappointed in you
EVERYONE knows you all read these posts or get info from here somehow pic related pal its the costleist mistake vshojo ever made proving they infact DO know these details and DO play dumb in situations like this
meicha was a plant to test your morals, vshojo, im going to be real. i know meicha irl now. they have a nice dog and were never intersex or a tranny tis just a voice changer and you all failed the final test the same one mr beast failedI'd like to believe it isn't too late, like, maybe after this post you will finally understand whats truely at stake and why concepts like honor exist to create a healthy society that supports eachother and gets rid of trash, trash that literally fucks over our societies childrens
you are in our society
those kids are OUR collective responsibility
bystanding is a sin,see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is literally about not being a bystander
being unable or inable to do anything is not bystanding, well thats what TRUE bystanding is
being able to do something but choosing not to is "modern bystanding" its gaslighting the concept of bystanding to apply to sitting around and choosing to let evil happen when you couldve had a meaningful impact but chose not to is the same as voting for evil itself anyways im rooting for vshojo to stop being retarded so they can succeed i liked mr beast it hurt seeing what he really was and did to those kids with tyson, please, be better and ignore the gaslighting liar 4chan mods who groom kids and dont talk to them or associate with them privately or publically it wont end well for you guys... big moves happening in 2 weeks