>>32808494/who/ ; Republic of Owl
Names should sound Slavic (though most Slavic sounding names I've used thus far are West of Russia). Though more English(West Atlantic), French, German, or Latin sounding names should also be acceptable as immigration is a factor in the lore. Though names that are constructed using the Holo-dhennet language is always welcomed, same as the conlang alphabet. As always things are subject to change, though due to the factor of immigration it's relatively liberal.
Note to rep: Please see if it's okay for now. I'll update it when conlang anon helps us make a language document.
>>32777473Different types of alcoholic beverages are made in the Owl Republic. In the lastest survey conducted jointly by the Department of Economics and the Bureau of Health in 1125, different types of Beer and Vodka are the most consumed drink by volume, with wine coming in next.
Traditionally, Hooman beer are made with smoked malt and gruit. The type of wood used in different parts of the country also varies. The most famous beer made in the Western Republic uses a mix of apple and beech are used to impart a fruity and nutty taste to the unfermented wort. Some parts of the East also used peat to smoke their malt as well, which gives it a deep, earthy and slightly burnt taste that pairs well with grilled and pot-roasted meat that is often consumed in the region. Gruit are used traditionally to flavour many of the brews in the Republic. Though many kinds of Hop plants are native to the region, their use was never discovered until after the Founding War, brought in by both immigrants and renewed trade with the outside world. The popularisation of hop use if partly due to the preserving effect they have to the beer, which began to be traded across the vast landmass that constitutes the Republic. In the aftermath of the post war trade boom and unification of the East and West, beer making in many parts of the country has gradually conformed to be more standardized. Though gruit have not fallen completely out of use, as many breweries and independent brewer, bars still produce and use their own gruit mix. The more bitter herbs are taken out or reduced, and the dried herb mix are usually added later than the hops to preserve as much of its unique flavor as possible. The use of gruit is a reason Republican beer can enjoy a premium compared to other types of beer in the international market. More modern types of malting kilns have long been made and used in the Republic, though the traditional method of wood smoking is still preserved despite the penchant of novelty and innovation in the country. Sometimes traditions have a reason to remain, the wide selection of beer styles that such a mix of techniques allow is perhaps one.
Vodka is made traditionally with grain. Though spirits distilled from potatoes or a mix of grain and potato became the dominant type in the last two centuries. Some styles are flavored with spice berries. This type is often made into a table drink by pouring it into a pitcher with mashed berries, then diluted with water. Most traditional vodkas are barrel aged, the lightly charred wood gives them a nice aroma and flavor. Most are consumed on their own, chilled in a cellar, or poured into a pitcher full of cut fruits. Aged Vodka similarly also fetch a high price not only due to the use of local herbs but also its aging process. The rocking motion the liquid content undergoes at sea makes Republican Vodka unique compared to many other aged spirits. Its consumption as a luxury item is especially noted in the Eastern Continent.
Wine production is mainly concentrated in the West historically. Though the fertile valley in the maritime climate of the North East has become one of the most profitable wine region in the country in the recent decades. While its consumption is lower, its culinary use is notable. Traditionally a large portion of the must are used to make vinegar instead. The large scale drinking of wine only became more prominent from foreign demand which resulted in overproduction.
While brandy isn't traditionally made on any scale, pomace brandy and other types of fruit brandy are consumed in many parts of the Republic. Apricots, apples, Berries and Peaches are made into a sweet spirit that is often purchased as gifts. Sugar beet molasses are used to distill a bitter tasting brandy in some rural communities. While sugar cubes are often added to make it less unpleasant, the unique flavor of the drink makes it a social drink, where the experience mattered more. It is seen as a bonding exercise to finish a bottle with your buddies.
Notes: Plan on adding more in the future. Supposed to finish the traditional dress but got into a bit of a hole researching drinks.