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While I'm aware I'm contributing to this, I'll do it once anyway.
I'm happy with everything in moderation. A little bit of gayposting here, some offtopic there, sometimes game discussion elsewhere. I don't care for the gayposting so I don't participate, however at the same time if its light hearted jokes it can be funny.
We do end up spiralling into a "discuss about gayposting in the thread" rather than actual gayposting or any offtopic replacement. But this could also be the fact that people lurk here, and only provide input on a topic that is relevant. Everyone likely has their own opinion on how they want the quality of the thread to be, but not everyone has an input on offtopic X.
We can see that once a game discussion gets going, that there are usually a lot of replies in a decent amount of time, but there is also only so much to discuss sometimes.
I disagree with the boogeymen arguements of 'aggie clique'. Aggie has been mostly dead for ages, people suggest community games or events frequently. Minecraft for example has had 10 ish recent active people, mahjong seems to always be popular, OJ somewhat frequently, movie nights, etc.
I was a late joiner, but I've interacted with people in said 'clique' from the above and never been excluded because I am new. Most all activities are public, if you choose to not join then that is also your choice. I know I did for the longest time.
I feel like theres a non 0 amount of people who are still here because of the community and the fun we can have together. But at the same time, that isn't for everyone, and that is okay.
To lead by example, here's a gameplay discussion idea, what do you think would be some legitimate ideas to improve the new player experience? (Since we reached the bump limit I'll ask this in the new thread too)