>>80090295so many years and nobody falls for that faggot's spam, why does he still try?
>why does everyone hate jennifer? (troll schizo)
>why are alyssatomos like this? (makes falseflag post pretending to be alyssatomo shitting on jennifer)>wow alyssa's new MV is a flop (same guy) >not as big a flop as jennifer (guy's discord friend)>wow, is this the anti thread or something? we should all go post in /#/ where we actually love the talents (least obvious numberfag from /#/ concerntrolling after shitting up the thread with numberfagging)>wow isnt it sad that Harvest (gen) dont stream anymore and hates their fans? Maybe if they were actually entertaining like the Starry and Legend girls (guy from above starting forced fanbase/gen war, doesnt realize no one talks like this in this thread)>'harvest doesnt stream anymore'? skill issue, my harvestoshi streams (retarded newfag replying to the schizo) >why are starryfags and legendtards like this? harvestchads own these threads (guy trolling, again)>on a schedule, every day