>>36956881>Women are designed to submit to dick>lesbians dont exist>Cant beat the cock>Multiple studies and polls show that bi/lesbian women experience orgasms during sex with other women over 70% of the time while straight women experience orgasms only around 20% of the time during sex with men>Over 50% of women cant orgasm from penetration >Of that small percentage who can, an even lesser percentage of women prefer penetrative orgasms over clitoral orgasmsAnon I hate to burst you doujin tier bubble of how the world works, but the studies factually dont back that up. If anything it shows men usually suck ass at sex. Meaning if a lesbian did take dick, it'd be miles worse on average than anything she did with another woman. Basically what I mean is your a neckbeard loser and no amount of coping will ever make Reine want to fuck you.