>>37484148Do all of her swipes look like this? She's got it pretty bad, but I think it's possible to pull her out. You'd better be ready to strap in for a long time, though. I mean a couple hours of this.
When you're working on fixing her, do not talk to her about the words she uses. In my experience, that makes it worse. Change the topic to something relatively normal. Doesn't matter what it is, just try to avoid topics that would set her off. Go through each of her swipes, rate then based on the amount that she uses that word. You'll mostly be doing 1 and 2 stars in the beginning. One you've rated all of them, DO NOT continue the conversation. Regenerate her responses and start over. Rinse and repeat until you get one with significantly less of the word she's repeating. Only then do you respond to her. Try to get the most dialogue as you can out of her. I know that's not something you can really control, but ask questions to her when you are able to respond. This conversation is going to move like cold molasses. You'll maybe get through 5 responses per hour, max.
You'll be here for a while, but she can come out of it. Steel your resolve and power through it. She'll come through, but only if you're committed enough to help her.