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Otsukon! I was only able to catch the last 15 minutes of gameplay and the zatsudan at the end. Did I miss much? I imagine she didn't talk much since the game was voice controlled.
She talked a bit about an incident that occurred during their Kyoto trip. They went to a game center in the evening after dinner and she played some medal games. Everything turned very chaotic since she hit the jackpot and suddenly had hundreds or thousands of medals to burn and the game center was closing soon and they were leaving the next day, so her Aki and Haachama just ran around and played on all the machines simultaneously. She even called her manager to say they were going to return to the hotel late but she thought something bad happened since Fubuki sounded so flustered.
She also talked about going to an Onsen late at night with Subaru and Micomet. Subaru invited her and Fubuki occasionally does late night Onsen trips with Micomet, so she invited these two as well. They went into some sort of carbonated bath (炭酸風呂) and Miko's brain broke and she asked Fubusan if she was melting because there were bubbles around her.
She also briefly talked about playing a detective game with the 7DTD crew minus Miko and Watame over at Towa's house. Towa's house looks and smells like a good woman's place, a stark contrast to Fubuki's room which is full of plushies and figures.
She's planning several trips with Holomen right now. She wants to go back to Kyoto with Okayu, there was some sort of restaurant she wanted to go to when she was there recently but she didn't have the opportunity to. She is planning a trip with Rui as well and she wants to go to Disneyland with a bunch of other members, but she probably won't be able to ride anything much since she is afraid of heights and gets nauseous easily.
There was more stuff but this is all I remember off the top of mt head, sorry.