>>92103609>P: i tend to work better under pressure>W: you're good girl>P: did you call me a good g-g-g-girl???>W: you're a bad girl!>P: now i have to kill myselfPuri not used to her new form, missed and opportunity to krill her shrimp self
>W: can i show your design?>P: yeah, i was gonna add a cardigan then i got tired, so happy kicking my feet right>W: i remember i was watching your stream and you kicked the computer off wait now you NEVER STREAMED BEFORE that was... Raki!>P: yeah, i dont knwo what you're talking about never streamed before>W: but you're streamed on Discord right?>P: yeah earlier we played discord minecraft with Pillow and the girls>W: it was such a baby gameWani about to slip up and reveal a secret identity her new friend Puri might have