shit still hits home so badly, even one year later. I self doubt myself all the damn time. Honestly, I feel like I do worse than other people even though in reality, I've accomplished so much than I ever thought I would. Hell, I have family members like uncles or aunts who couldn't even get through school and dropped out while I'm planning for collage, chasing my dream career of being a video game designer; yet, I feel like I've hit the bottom of the barrel bc I seemingly make some impulsive choices (particularly with financial decisions), or say unpopular things that makes people big mad (even though I like to speak what's on my mind no matter how trivial).
That being said though, I think sometimes the best we can do while we struggle is keep moving forward, never give up, and always be yourself. We can take as many breaks as we want, talk with friends or family for comfort, or maybe decompress while performing your favorite hobby, but at the end of the day; it's up to us to swallow our pride and carry that weight. Whatever happens may have a good reason for happening because sometimes we probably won't be able to get a satisfactory resolution and that's just the way life is. Can everyone do it by themselves? Most likely not; it's why we rely on people close to us to help soldier on; albeit friends, family, or people we look up to the most like idols. No-one is immortal so it's best we push together and move on.
I grew up playing games like Mega Man, Devil May Cry, killer7, No More Heroes, Dead or Alive, Etrian Odyssey, Metal Gear Solid, Majora's Mask, Sonic, Metroid, Hotel Dusk, Viewtiful Joe, etc. I could go on but I think the game series that resonates with me so much is Megami Tensei and by some extension; Persona. My favorite anime growing up was Cowboy Bebop, and it's still one of my favorite works of art right next to Ghost In The Shell and Serial Experiments Lain. These things taught me that shit unfortunately happens and the best way to deal with it is to go with the flow; push forward and be yourself. Don't let destiny rule your life because you'll always be miserable if you never put your past behind you. It's sad that there are people who never really experienced the same things as me but It's why I want to be a game designer/director because I want to create works of art with the same themes and tones just like the things I grew up with that shaped me into the person I am today. I think it's more deserving than ever because of how much pressure is put on everyday lives nowadays.
I honestly look up to Mio-Sha a lot because how much she reminds me of myself in a way with the only difference being that she handles situations in a humble, relaxing manner while I have more of a "take no bullshit, straight-forward" approach on the surface. She puts on a brave face, but behind that exterior is someone who self doubts herself because of how much pressure there is in the idol industry. I really wish I could be good friends of her because I feel like we have so much in common. I honestly love her so much and if she can be this successful doing what she loves then I feel like I can do the same.