/news/ roundup for 19-09-2022 (all times are in JST)
> Polka organized a HoloRust Battle Royale tournament (https://youtu.be/OiNJ2csTCa8).> Cover announced that Subaru's 3.0 was planned to be released within the year, but they will instead be improving the quality and releasing it later on (https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1571695604073234432).> HoloproEN account reiterates that the talents are free to manage their brand individually and requests the audience to not attack any of the talents (https://twitter.com/hololivepro_EN/status/1571745933754503168).> Hayase Sou(NijiJP) held her a 3D Live for her 3rd Anniversary (https://youtu.be/6r3JHjpeyAI).Previous :
>>33477027August roundup :