Fellow HoloXers! I hope you enjoyed /vt/ League 6 Friendlies. Next up is the real /vt/ League 6.
Do you have ideas for new players? Any inputs for new chants or music? Is anything outdated or not fun anymore?
Check out our Wiki page
https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//holoX/Music and chants are welcome. You can submit yt links with timestamps or clips, I can extract audio.
So far on my list:
- Add the new songs
- More Koyori screams as chants (Reminder that /mayo/ is a separate team)
- Bigger Pokobee
- Replace Wifi-kun and Orca Is Getting Washed (with ???)
- Add HoloXer
- Make Unkoyo taller
- Add Iroha the strongest being
- Add Lapdog (Retextured Joshu, the La+ robot one)
- Add Unchained Laplus (Ultra Instinct Laplus)
- Add player database (low prio)
Submit gametips here: