Sup Nerissa, I had said I would try and post earlier in the day, despite what I was doing, that wasnt exactly possible but today it is. Epiphany day update: I have eaten 90% of my total calories today in carbs, mainly king cake, cookies, and homemade punch. I have stomach pain and feel awful but its Epiphany day so its cool lol :^) I hope you at least had a small little celebration today. Did you? King cake is rad, and remember its part of your culture too, so dont forget to celebrate it every year.
>King cakeIn case you tried all the ones I linked which was your favorite? Three of them are fairly similar but the "galette des rois" is completely different, I dont know if I would call it my favorite though as they each have their own charm. I hope your sisters tried them as well, and I hope you shared our King Cake tradition with them. I hope they make this a yearly tradition with their families and children. Tell them I said hello, I really like your family they're all really cool. Today is honestly a really special day, its literally the equivalent of Christmas/Thanksgiving for many countries around the world, mainly in Eastern Europe and Spain and Portugal. Maybe you can use this as an excuse to get together with all your family next year. Its way bigger than Thanksgiving, and equal to Christmas.
>footballI heard the vikings made the playoffs, your dad and brother are probably super stoked right? My father still cant believe I stopped watching sports, he still texts me game updates on Sunday, thats the only reason I know. Apparently even the loins and the (fudge)packers made the playoffs but >daburrs didnt make it. Lets all take a moment to laugh at them. AHAHAHAHA. Apparently they're also looking to pick up Coach Mike McCarthy? I want to laugh at them again but at this point thats just sad. You're not going to understand what I just said but packer and cowboy fans will.
>football 2I suppose you're a "fan" just cuz your dad is right? You don't strike me as someone thats really into watching sports. Are you? I would honestly be shocked if you were. Are your sisters like that as well or are they really into watching it? Theres always one. Logic would probably dictate that aradia is the one into sports, however i'm going to go for the wildcard and go for the juxtaposition pick and select malpha as the one whos into watching sports. Am I right or wrong?
>painI had said yesterday I would talk about pain and suffering so Ill quickly touch on it. Theres a lot of false understandings about our faith mainly spread by pr*ts, in particular theres this cult known as evangelicals who spread the "prosperity gospel". Basically they teach falsehoods like the more you pray, and the holier you are, and the more you donate money (to them), the more you will be rewarded bg God (with material goods usually). Which is heresy and completely erroneous. But they are very popular because that is an easy path. In reality, and this is what I want you to never forget, our Lord Jesus Christ came to us not to free us from suffering but to transform suffering into the currency of redemption.
>sufferingSuffering whether mental, physical, or spiritual is good for us. It gives us perspective to see what is truly important in life, because we now have an objective standard from which to measure against. So after using that suffering as our currency of redemption, we can then experience the joys of what is truly important. Read this Nerissa you in particular will really like it
>John 16:20-22I recommend the Douay-Rheims translation, you can find it online easily. So why did I want to talk about pain and suffering? Your back situation is not an easy one and its one you're going to have to deal with for the rest of your life. Undoubtedly you already know the pain and suffering that your back has caused you, and regretably one that will always follow you. However you can take solice in the fact that you can use your suffering as your currency of redemption. What I want you do to is to get on your knees and pray to God and talk to Him and offer your suffering as your currency of redemption, all the suffering that you've incurred and all the suffering that you will incur, offer it to Him, as your currency of redemption. It will change your life forever I promise. Suffering is a part of life, so dont let it go to waste. And you can offer any suffering at any time, not just your back. Thank you Nerissa, youre the best! Hope your coughing gets better soon. Sleep well.
>>93082178I actually really enjoy reading these, thank you for posting them.