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Still going over clips but decided to take a look at Salome. Here's what it currently looks like (I don't have the latest numbers so no recent stream).
The curve seen is expected, as clips views are correlated with time. It can be seen that the majority of the clips are in japanese, which is expected. There is some EN clip views, which I will attribute to interest around the phenomena rather than the person herself. That and it is scraped from Holodex, which may not have every single clipper, especially those in non-english. I will assume the bigger ones are already added so make your own judgements.
These numbers are also really good, as expected from a big debut buffs. Miko for example gets 2-5M with her WWE, but barely aggregates 1M with other stream clips. And this is with a group of clippers who have the audience to get these view counts.
Conclusion? High interest from Japan. Anything past that is speculation, with so few data points.