General - Chariot (R)
Health - 9 of Swords (R)
Work - Hanged Man (R)
Luck - 7 of Swords (U)
Advice - Page of Pentacles (R)
>2025 looks to be a year where Noel goes off the rails (which is what Mio drew for herself too). It's a year where Noel will get a lot of momentum and can achieve a lot so long as she can control that momentum, but unfortunately it's going to be difficult to be within her control. Still, momentum being on her side is a good thing regardless. >This year seems like one where it's easy for her to get sad. Mio says to not ignore her own sadness and to take measures to fight it, whether that be to seek advice from friends, spend time with family, etc.>Luck is not on her side either, especially if she's with other people. Gambling stuff will turn out better for Noel if she does it alone, as her luck is likely to be siphoned by the people around her.>When it comes to work, Noel may struggle with being able to see herself objectively, and liable to panic if she feels like she's put in a disadvantageous spot. Mio says it'll be a struggle for Noel because thinking through things calmly and objectively will help her get through the year... but reversed chariot for her general fortune means she'll struggle with that overall. Noel says she'll seek her manager's help to stay grounded.>For Noel's 2025 advice, Mio says that for whatever Noel aims to do, she should make sure she practices. The experience she gains while practicing will definitely reward her in some way.