Kronies, just popping by before fucking off forever until she comes back from her break to tell you that you should by this point just Hanlon's razor everything that Kronii does. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
>>32450534 said, Kronii isn't necessarily the best at explaining herself but she's trying now and it's pretty sweet of her and that's what matters. We've had two "It Starts" streams now, I don't think other fanbases have this kind of opportunity with their oshis to grow together as a person. You honestly think someone who goes to such lengths when she pretty much have it in her right to go completely Ayame or whoever else, is being malicious at some things? She's a WIP. We all are.
Let's just enjoy what we have and keep growing and going. She'll be a master at expressing her thoughts and communicating stuff one day. Sayonara