Here it goes
>49,470: Kanata (Hololive)>40,135: Watame (Hololive)>37,528: Pekora (Hololive)>24,153: VSPO (VSPO)>23,843: Okayu (Hololive)>21,172: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>20,889: Lauren (Nijisanji)>16,008: Miko (Hololive)>14,962: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)>14,455: Hal (Neo Porte)>14,295: Gura (Hololive)>13,012: Millie (Nijisanji)>10,679: Maimoto (Nijisanji)>10,051: Toko (Nijisanji)A very top heavy day with 35k not putting a stream in the top 3
Also: I'm reading something about Millie stream in this thread and the previous, something about it having been botted.
I'll refer to the way this list is made (
>>22818110) and to the fact this is a post like any other in this thread, board and site with no special meaning.
If you guys think it would be better with some other numbers just repost it next thread (or even in this thread) as you guys see fit, there is no impediment for anyone to post what they want in this site.
The process this list is made continues being the same
>open live-ranking at https://live-ranking.userlocal.jp/archives-ranking>delete the non vtuber from the list>fix any peak that would change a position with the highest of mado, holostats, vrabi, vstats>screencap, crop the pic>copy the text>paste text and pic to this thread