Divegrass anchor post. Reposting this from the last thread.
https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Divegrass_Before_Christmas_5:_Christmas_on_Easter_IslandThere's a for-fun-only divegrass invitational tournament happening this Christmas, and there are four slots available for VTL teams. Should we sign up?
Keep in mind that this invitational will feature all kinds of teams, with most having little to do with vtubers - this could be a good thing or a bad thing. Picrel has all the teams that took part in the previous edition, with /hfz/, /lig/ and /doog/ being among them. Alternatively, we could come up with an offshoot team with its own squad, models and aesthetics and maybe use that to trial any potential player suggestions you might have for the next edition of the actual /vt/ league.
Either way, the choice is up to you, goons. Also, don't forget to check out the cryptpad link in the OP if you want to submit your ideas for the team - anything that gets submitted by the end of the month, I'll try and fit into the team in time for the invitational if we end up signing up.