>>31063123>they caredThey didn't care about anyone else. And then they got betrayed, according to their standards. And then they either roped themselves, ran away, or decided that no, those standards weren't ACTUALLY real, and that she didn't do anything wrong, those private DMs with all her top fans? TOTALLY COOL, don't worry about it, let ALONE the other shit.
Everyone arguing about shit right now, right here, is arguing about shit that, if the worst case scenario happened for any of the EN girls, would not even be a TENTH OF A TENTH as wacky as what Rushia did to Fandead. But Fandead didn't care. They went with her. DESPITE all that.
So no. They didn't care. They pretended to care. Because they didn't want to admit that maybe, their standard that they, and her, collaboratively created, was bullshit on it's foundation.