>>767591492-3 year olds still kinda have the same needs, but they are actually more prone to acting out since they are just getting the hang of their own bodies and interacting with their world. For example you could do something like
>the toddler getting lost in your own house, and you and your hag look around frantically for it, assuming the worst but find it curled up in a laundry closet sound asleep>you're able to play blocks with the kid a little>kid comes to find YOU and hag and seems to find you both as a place of comfort, this will really put the idea in the hag's head that the two of you can give this parent thing a try>dealing with a bruise or boo boo since the kid hobbled head first into a cabinet edge or knob since your house isn't child proof. Cue a tender mending scene followed by a frantic shopping spree for things to child proof your house