>>90202353Ever since I played Pokemon Platinum with Torterra as my companion I've liked turtles and tortoises. I think "world turtle" is such a cool concept, like in Discworld where the whole planet is a disc sitting on top of four elephants that are standing on the shell of a sea turtle swimming through space. Their shells are so cool looking, and they live for a super long time, and they never hurt anybody (except snapping turtles). I like videos where people with pet tortoises put them on little tiny skateboards and they zoom around the house super fast using their legs. My favorite brand of coffee uses a sea turtle logo and donates money to sea turtle conservation.
Last year a tortoise was stuck in the middle of the road on the way to where I work and I stopped my car and picked him up and took him to the other side of the road, and I still think about him sometimes and hope he's doing tortoise things.