>>10100130its obviously between KFP, Tako and Kiryukai yagoo/ They are by far the most well equipped, having not incredibly powerful late game weapons (the KFP brand Latinx punisher, Masotako and plug in asacoco respectively) but also being equipped with actual armor to match.
I'd wager Kiryu kai Yagoo is likely the strongest. Hr has the most universally applicable armor, with a solid generally useful dodge buff. The plug in Asacoco has very respectable, if a little unremarkable standard damage output, but also comes with the bonus of being able to apply the "High on Asacoco" debuff, AND dealing bonus damage when attacking from behind.
KFP Yagoo's equipment, while incredibly powerful, has niche usage. It gives fire immunity and a huge buff to healing received from items, which are incredibly useful skills, but require certain conditions to be met to even be useful. The Latinx punisher has similar issues, dealing massive bonus damage against anyone of Latin American descent, as well as avians. Its base damage is above average, but its bonus' don't lend it the star power that could really put it on par with the Plug in.
Tako Yagoo is the weakest link in my opinion. Hid armor allows to instantly identify octopi, which was a really underwhelming skill even when it was initially implemented. Maso Tako is the saving grace of the set, being an incredibly useful defensive tool, being able to sponge utterly absurd amounts of damage. However his lack of offensive capabilities prevents him from saving the build.