CyberLive General Thread: Shortstack Dragon Mommy Edition
Kaneko Lumi>Lumi: pure sex, queen, gold among vtubers, history nerd, strategy vtuber, really knows how to keep chat watching. Has a foot-long porcelain penis with which to fuck you in the ass, Anon.Utano Pandora>Pandora: comfy, sweet, fluent in jp, great voice, i love her and seina together. inspires men from all over Christendom to take up the cross and sword in her nameAmaris Yuri>Yuri: cute, funny, ww2/war enthusiast, owns cool ass guns and goes to the range, fps and horror games. Will fill you and all the other schizoposters here with lead.Ayane Hylo >Hylo: also funny, 'unhinged' type vtuber, is ok at fps, boomer games, wonderful singer. Coolest Leezard.Momozora Seina>Seina: speaks spanish fluently, kind of a tomboy but a really cute one, rhythm games/minecraft streams are fun to watch from herBlueDragonAudio>Blue: secret sixth ranger (misaki doesn't count), super fucking schizo, can't even gosling correctly over anything but the act of hydration, b& on all platformsCyberLive (auditions open!) schedule: Sheets: (updated) for skebfags: Hylo's full sheet may not be available.)
/vt/ League team status (/pcclg/): Team is mostly done, just need some final touch-ups.
And remember: these girls may very well be /here/, so don't be *that* fucking schizo.