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Remember when the extend of /here/tubers we saw was some vocaroo chick on /jp/ streaming for fun, what the fuck happened?
Other board have had containment breaking shoutouts Rick roll, shia lebuf flag, pepe but at this point it's too far, I thought the point of 4chan was to have its own anonymous version of various communities, free to have its own spin and opinions on whatever culture it's board is about. At this point /vt/ is just as directly ingrained a part of vtuber culture as reddit or Twitter, and everyone can't stop fucking bringing /here/ to whoever they watch, or whatever place they fucking come from like reddit or Twitter. If an anon doesn't like a chubby then he has to fucking harass her about it at all times, or if there's drama from here some twitter teannies or breadtubers HAVE to tell people so they can feel like they're part of a cool secret chubby club. Hell let's become a vtuber just to constantly pander to here, rehashing memes and opinions for fucking views and cash
Yeah you can stay and make a community from /vt/ as much as you want, it's more just Twitter and reddititors LARPing than an actual part of 4chan anyway .