>>64275314New entry featuring picrel. This one is pure comedy, in the style of "The Hunger Pains" and other similar parody literature (or "Airplane"/"The Naked Gun" if you like movies better).
"I choose to be silly. Not because it is easy, but because I am a clown." -Omaru Polka
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTHQNoyNK1_zHfuT4kP0bJdxTCWMilPc6L1eNFwJYbZVcyspsJFyIkCMQfXT58CGVuoA0oixd_PtCoh/pubAs a matter of interest, I think the next entry will be the one to push this over the line of 100K words.