heh, for all the grief China gets for forcing vtubers to doxx themselves in the platform
>A new report on old privacy incidents [2017] suggests that at least one Nintendo leak came from a Google employee showing off private YouTube videos to a friend.https://www.gamesradar.com/games/platformer/nintendo-leak-reportedly-came-from-an-employee-accessing-private-youtube-videos-but-google-says-it-was-non-intentional-because-they-only-showed-it-to-a-friend/Sometimes anons mention "youtube is PERSONALLY culling Holo girls" and, for the most part, it's tinfoilhattery
>UNTIL TEN YEARS DOWN THE LINE A SIMILAR ARTICLE COMES"Hololive videos were deboosted but Google says it was "non-intentional" because it was a rogue employee flagging the videos and not company policy