, this is shit.
>The skins are THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS EACH>the "free skin" they advertised is RNG BETWEEN THE 5, ENJOY GETTING WHOEVER YOU SCHIZOPOST ABOUT>the smol house accessories ALSO COST MONEY>YOU DON'T EVEN GET THE UNIT THE SKIN IS FOR, YOU COULD GET KIARA'S SKIN FROM RNG AND NOT EVEN HAVE THE UNIT MAKING THE SKIN UNUSABLE>The only thing you can actually farm in the collab are "figures" that do voice lines when you click on them, that's itCompare that to Valkyrie connect last year who gave you all 4 of the hololive girls to free + their exclusive upgrade mats, fucking hysterical.
Real shame because the skins were honestly cute as fuck. and weirdly the game was known for being SUPER f2p friendly, they went gigajew out of nowhere