>>30912227i'm right there with you, and i'm sure many on /vt/ too. i'm trying everything but it's a long road, especially getting it to stick. i'm doing anki, and WaniKani which is great (i was sceptical about mnemonics but its going ok) but it seems to mostly getting me into reading so far. feels like a an even bigger hurdle for understanding speech. just something like 'し' in isolation could be any one of hundreds of meanings, but i guess it comes a lot of context - a constant rule of Japanese it seems.
>>30913572>understand about 80% of typical streamthat would be a massive and wonderful goal for me to hit. do you have any tips regarding specifically to listening comprehension, over reading?
i basically "immerse" just in the aspect of watching hololive etc every day, but don't think im far enough along to actually mines studies from that myself.