>>97224896>>97224933I think this sort of deluded thinking is understandable if you’ve been betrayed a lot or had a shitty childhood that relied on other people pretending to be your friend or pretending to care about you before pulling the rug out from under you and revealing they just thought you were a fun autist to mess with and lead on for a while. I remember back in high school when I finally started to make friends for real I was always paranoid that they were just tolerating me and secretly hated me or something. One of my close friends kept lying her head on my shoulder during group movie watches, talking about the possibility of us as a couple, referred to us as flirting with each other, won me a stuffed animal at the arcade and jokingly called it our “kid” and asked me to carry it around everywhere for months and I still didn’t realize she was flirting with me until months afterwards because I was so convinced that it was all just pity or friendly behavior due to previous betrayal.
I really empathize with Kronii..