>>1090755>doesn't like it>posts relevant content anywayAnon, you are very based.
...but please humor my thought experiment for a moment while I try to explain this ageplay shit in a way that makes it sound a bit more rational and hopefully less creepy. I honestly think for me at least it's really simple. It's not unusual to think something like, say, swimwear* is hot. If you're into that, I would expect that you enjoy seeing women wearing swimwear* and find it to be sexual when you do, but if you were to see the same outfit on a child would you react in the same way? It's the same for the ageplay, but for me it's for her to have a binky or something like that instead of swimwear. It's super hot when a woman does it, but if it was a kid I wouldn't even register it.
*for the sake of the experiment please replace swimwear with whatever you're into; also, though swimwear is an outfit I would apply this argument to actions/activities in addition to clothing