>>874985221 actually feels like a game compared to 2, which is just a glorified walking simulator
Liking silent hill 2 is the most sheep mentality someone can have. Anyone who says they like 2 is only saying that because everyone else says it's the "best" because some youtubers decided to make videos talking about how totally good it is and if you don't like it you're an uncultured pig that can't into game analysis and critical thinking. The themes and vibes you can find in lots of other games, and those games also have better voice acting, stories, gameplay and don't waste your time. I don't know if the remake fixed most of the problems with 2, but this psyop of trying to trick people into thinking 2 is somehow good and is a 10/10 flawless masterpiece that can't be topped to this day is truly baffiling when the very same people will shit on games that did the exact same type of thing