>>28121755It's... debatable whether the Luknights will have a lot of expertise in laterite ore processing. On one hand, iron in laterite seems to mostly come in oxide form, which is fairly common around the world, so the process of smelting them into something usable shouldn't differ too much. On the other hand, the Candy Kingdom likely doesn't have laterite in its land (due to its distinctive non-tropical environment and relatively recent progeny comprising most of its land), so they might not know how to deal with it.
But yes, once you remove all the plants, detritus, and swamps, /risu/'s land will be fairly red (then again, the same can be said of many places). This is probably more noticeable in the southwest, where there are fewer things on top of the soil.
Also forget to mention that as laterite continue to be weathered down, you'll also get other kind of soil like kaolinite (also known as china clay) and bauxite. Incomplete weathering of the former in feldspar also leads to a rock called china stone, which is a white-ish rock that's commonly used in porcelain and sculptures, and is most famously produced in... Cornwall. Heh.