>>658332She is still top 10 most superchatted streamer worldwide by monthly basis.
>Numberfagging.An objective fact
her channel keeps steadily growing just like her fanbase.
>Numberfagging.Also an objective fact
She is still producing original songs.
>All low tier songs by Hololive standards.^Your subjective opinion
Holotalk has become a stapple for the company
>No it hasn't.^Also your subjective opinion
Her content is still watched by Hundreds of people.
>100% KFP. Will stagnate and hit the wall soon.^Completely baseless speculation
In conclusion anon it seems all you have going for you
are your irrelevant opinions considerably contradicted
by a proportionately larger public opinion and your baseless speculations misguided by your own personal bias.
My advice: stick to reality and stop letting the voices in
your head dictate your perception of it.
Have a good day!