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Thank god Nazuna necked herself to pursue the YouTube Hololive dream. This debut buff month is HUGE! She better keep the hype going, because these numbers are so massive.
Big shout out to all my comrades over at Rumina and 5ch for warning her for months about VShojo and Twitch killing her career. All of that stress and motivation-killing doupt she had about VShojo and Twitch finally paid off in the end. She's finally free from the shackles.
With that out of the way, I would like to bid farewell to VShojo. Rushia is back in a Japanese company. It's basically a box just like Hololive with concerts, big group collabs, and cute charms of her you can gacha roll for in a machine. She will also make a lot of friends from the collabs, so that's also a plus. This company is also way better because they will fix voice-acting roles for her. Roles in an ACTUAL POPULAR GAME BY A BIG COMPANY. Something that VShojo never could offer since they are an american company.
So yeah. This is my goodbye message to everyone. It's not anything personal. It's just the reality of the situation. Hope you understand.