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Otsonny!! I do not understand what it is about bing bing wahoo that gets him so riled up, sometimes I really want to inspect his brain so I can understand what drives him to act this way....... odd behavior aside this was a very enjoyable stream. There's not a lot left to be said at this point for the nature of his odyssey streams; they're silly, comfy, and full of autism in a familiar way that I don't think I'll ever get tired of. Truly, home... He went moon hunting in the cloud, lost, snow and seaside kingdoms today which involved a lot of racing and paying the price for his hubris as usual. Sometimes I think the universe itself is fucking with him with the comedic timing of it all. I'm personally a big fan of the fat fuck seals in shiveria and their stupid bouncing, even if sonny himself thinks it's an insult to actual racing games. Today he also discovers the euphoria of breaking boxes, briskadet anatomy, and demonstrates the narcissist abuse cycle. Ball physics are pretty cool too. I quite enjoyed the last half hour or so where he spent a borderline retarded amount of time trying to to do something that was essentially impossible. He switched targets to something slightly more reasonable by getting a moon with only cappy and his platforming genius when he was supposed to use a fish for scaling the cliff face, and that was really great when he finally pulled it off. Ironically, some of his best moments are those where he talks the least... SSG god gamer. It's kind of crazy to me that he still has another 300 or so moons to get after all these months, I never 100%'ed odyssey so I guess I can't estimate how long it should take. I'm pretty happy he can still squeeze a few streams out of the game though, maybe more if there's some really tricky ones. And when he does complete it in full, if he decides that replaying it on-stream or learning to speedrun it isn't just a joke anymore, I will not complain. Just Mario. Just Mario. Forever. Thank you for a fun stream sonny, I don't know who's paying you to say you love us, but I love you too. Sleep well, see you early tomorrow for stick fight @ fuuchan's bday! o7