>>41249741>>41249678Oh and some bonus info
>The Aia I made is the fastest, yet smallest and lightest of the lot. Her finish however is a belly flop. You'd basically get pinned by a feather. The ultimate insult>Reimu only uses her feet and elbows. I don't know why I did this with her move set. But it's funny>I made Scarle the most aggressive of my uploads. She also has a mix of Samoa Joe and WALTERS move-set, so she'll slap you fucking silly>Ver was very hard to imagine for as a wrestler. So he's the most well-rounded upload of mine>Sonny has a weeb classic move-set. Tiger Bombs aplenty>Ike is very technical. I fear his A.I won't take advantage of the move-set appliedI don't intend on making anymore. I have a back-up Shu ready encase in forgets to make one. I am excited to see Mysta's, Luca's and Vox's efforts