>>28717931Ah, you're the Kadet I was talking with in general! Happy to have you here. Yes, I was waiting on your approval before adding the dogs to the rentry. If Panon also has no problems with it, I'll go update that now. I need to update the Luxiem overview with some of the things the pregnancy Kindred have discussed with me too. In addition to training Malinois for wartime logistics, would you also say it's likely Briskadets have dogs trained to do just normal delivery/courier stuff? That makes sense to me, personally.
>>28744837I figured there was no effect more appropriate for Kindred, really. I considered having it be a fertility booster but thought that might work better as a drug made from powdered chuubanite. If you want Kindred boymilk for your cult, I'm sure some of the less scrupulous Takaradachi would be happy to smuggle it to Luxuria. For a fair and reasonable price hike on an already rare good, of course...