It's been a while since I made a Juri anon diary entry but I finally have an interesting discovery to share
I was having trouble memorizing patterns because I crashed down in around 5 entries and humans cant usually do more than 7 items in a row anyway.
I thought I was a total retard until I did this test and it turns out my own personal score is 11 which is a lot higher than the average.
It made me realize something: I could remember numbers so much because I without thinking use a mnemotechnic technique called "chunking": I normally group numbers and associate them with ages and people: if I see 4020 I imagine a 40 year old cougar preying on a young man and so on.
What I need to do now is to name sequences and chunk them and then there is no limit to the patterns I can remember in a fight, I could theoretically remember the entire combat from start to finish as long as I assign it a chunk.
Lets do this as an example you might be familiar with:
Grab- grab - meaty in the corner is the "scrub killer sequence" first is surprise, then in 2 a scrub recognizes the pattern, then in 3 you change it since he is expecting the throw, so the sequences Grab Grab Backdash-to-avoid-grab but-eat-the-meaty can be reduced to a single item: a "scrub", which you may imagine as you like, I will picture it as Ryu since he is the starter char.
Then, there is the intermediate killer: grab-grab grab-meaty. After two grabs he says " ah, this imbecile is trying to scrub sequence me, I will just wait to shimmy him on the third " then he realizes he is wrong after eating the grab, "goes oh fuck he is trying to throwloop me to death" and then backdashes and thats when they eat the meaty. So a chunk for the GGGB is the "1500MR destroyer". I would picture him as a jaimie because he is smart enough to be master but not smart enough not to play jamie.
And then there is the "grab- backdash" sequence which we can call a Marisa since they are chronically afraid of grabs.
Now you had a full fight and the entire pattern of throws was
>GBGGGBGGB. Look away and see if you can remember it, you must likely wont now, much less during a fight.
But now try to remember this sequence in order:
> Marisa Jamie Ryu. It's probably trivial.
Now when you are in a cinematic mode during the level three you can take those seconds to remember this pattern and then plan your strategy for the next round, noticing, for example, he didnt do a single drive reversal or OD DP in the corner.
Pros with years of experience most likely "chunk" these patterns in the same way I did with numbers without knowing it, this is the main advantage of having been playing through decades, but now you can do it on purpose to accelerate the process of learning