thanks for watching the stream! its finally in the books.. after 17 long months, Season 4 is complete. it wasn't exactly how i wanted it to be, but i'm proud to say i finished it.
i hope the finale was enjoyable. outside of maybe 3 of the matches, i didn't do any rigging, so i'm surprised it was such DARK dominate wins tonight after them losing for basically the entire 2nd half of season 4.
if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask, i'll do my best to answer, tho there may be a time gap, i'm gonna pass the fuck out for a bit.
>>60108089Rainmaker is Kazuchika Okada, and it seems he IS the Man from the Future. There was no Mystery Niggas in the OP, if you are referring to the ED, that was Tatsu. I made mention of it when he first showed up in Episode 21.