>>61666298She sends her avatar of bone to attend the party.
>>61666425Happy halloween Fubumio!
Good to see you again.
this makes me hopeful to keep seing the old regulars for holidays going forward, don't let me down now>I read that as "tilapia" and it made me hungry...haha yeah that was totally not what I meant to write...
>>61666470Ay, to each their own, I didn't mean to imply that it was wrong to enjoy it, I'm just not really attracted to anything that seems, idk, soulless? hard to put into exact words.
>For example, that Iroha robot that was used as an example, imagine, while malfunctioning, she is either saying computer stuff like errors or rapidly repeating lines over and over again like a broken record.Like this doesn't really do anything for me desu, but I'm also not into mindbreak so might be the same root cause.
>>61666524BIG witch hat, very nice!