The word n i g g e r is forever a discernment of lesser character, all to ever speak it, as with faggot. Schizo is what the weak gang together to call a single strong. It's called a Struggle Session and you live to do it to yourselves if it means you might geat a chance to do it to VShojo. On 4chan. And if this were china or russia back in the day, their little sons and daughters you gave them. Same with Milk. Everyone knows it's a communist innuendo. Schizo, & Milk. Like a baby monkey in a SEA munker.>>38381768>>38381663Pizza is the FBI's own child trafficking term for children. By that same Hankerchief Code, a panda is a child with both eyes blacked from severe prolonged satanic ritual dungeon torture rape.
When I use it on commies here in /vsg/ without ban it means
taste of your own """medicine""".