I know I said I'd leave but I want to reply to a few last posts..
>>35045988>>35045998Thank you both... I'm happy I've made you feel this way for a little bit
>>35046035I'm sorry to say that this poster may be right... From my experience, I'm very much an exception and not the rule. Most other vtubers I talk to either have a significant other already or have absolutely no desire to be loved in the way that I do. I can't comprehend how they can live without feeling the need for affection that I have but I don't want to ask. Maybe they're satisfied with the attention they get from streaming....?
>>35046185It's just hard to be open about it when someone like Terumi is so looked down upon, for example. I don't think we are looking for the same thing but I feel closer to her than most other vtubers, even if she's got her own ways I can't always approve of.