>>41049192>>41032072This is outright wrong. Modern stunning involves rendering the animal unconscious before it is even capable of feeling any pain from the mechanism doing such. Correctly executed Halal slaughter involves making a quick and effective cut across the neck that attempts to kill the animal as quickly as such a method possibly can... which amounts to a minimum of a few seconds in which the animal is aware, frightened, and in extreme pain before it is able to lose consciousness from the blood loss. In the absolute best case scenario you are looking at ~3 seconds of this suffering for the animal before it loses consciousness, from a perfectly executed cut to the blood pumping out in ideal fashion to service a quick death. What's likely is that the animal is going to be conscious and suffering for longer as the circumstances are typically not that ideal, and if any mistake is made in the cut and the targeted arteries are not completely severed the animal will be left thrashing in pain for even over a minute before dying. Alternatively even if the cut is made perfectly a complication can still occur from the severed arteries retracting into the body at the moment of the cut and becoming obstructed thus restricting the blood flow necessary for the quick death.
In addition cows have an additional set of arteries set further back in the neck which are not severed by the cut made in a Halal killing; these arteries continue blood flow to the brain and help keep the cow conscious during this period, so compared to other animals cows are known to remain conscious and suffer for longer when killed through the Halal slaughter method.
A digression: the Halal cut isn't even the most effective method of bleeding slaughter either; the Halal neck cut severs the carotid arteries whereas using a stick to sever the brachiocephalic artery causes more severe bleeding with less chance of obstruction prolonging suffering. But that doesn't get done because it doesn't align with religious doctrine requiring the slash instead.Halal slaughter persisting in a post-stun world is an act of pure barbarism and any sane country has already enforced stunning over so-called religious freedom.