>>15376060>Anon perspective reps, legs rep and hand reps onegai.Actual practice?! Naahhhhh, I'll just brute force it till I eventually get it right after people complain.
On a more serious note I started so awful only a short while ago and I've studied and insane amount to get where I'm now.
But making that leap to starting to draw anime stylized stuff and cleaning up my drawings about 2-3 months ago is another learning curve I'm still getting used to and makes me forget basic stuff.
I'm doing my reps even if it might not seem like that to you just yet, but I'm myself seeing progress (or at least learning from fucking up) with almost every drawing I make. At least now with this account I'm actually motivated to finish stuff instead of endlessly sketching.
For context pic related is my stuff from 2019 then early 2020, and these are the "good ones" that I had bothered saving and taking pictures of.
>>15376298Thanks for the resource.