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Since we're talking about irrelevant bullshit I want to see if I can clear a few things that were said /here/ up that I wouldn't have had a chance to bring up otherwise.
Somebody once said here something to the effect of "Lia's audience is full of homos because she typecasts them as such and covers gay topics" and then used Jelly as a counterpoint, saying "Jelly doesn't do this so her audience is straight". So of course the first thing I think is 'fagknights' but then maybe that's just a /vt/ phenomenon from too much erp. I shit you not the very next instance I tune into Jelly's stream it's her in the middle of telling Starknights to put on dresses, dragging the bit out on some Hime-tier shit.
So which is it?
Somebody told me that I should be ashamed of admitting that I'd like to fuck an AI-equipped robot version of my oshi in 10 years when the tech is sufficiently advanced. Normally a reply like this is just whatever but it's been living rent-free in my head since then for the simple reason that I'm not actually sure what the general consensus on such a thing really is. Is being a "robosexual" considered weird?