>>95187394>>make me wanna die>my voice is so scratchy... gross... im hitting puberty>>love falls>that was the last one>thank you fo listening thank you for sticking around>my throat is having a moment i think its dry but when i drink water its not helping..>will have karaoke once a month or so (her singy ass is not gonna be able to wait a month)she sounds even better with the husky scratchy voice... help
>i have to go now cause there is pokemon that needs to be played in my bed >also need to take a shower, drink some water and i also need to deep throat a bunch of reeses peanut butter eggs they are calling my name they are like spread open on my bed seductively and i just gotta get up in there and blmlhmhmhlmh>thanks for having me >will keep the vod up unless i cant then ill tel you about it *giggles*>buhbye bhubye bye bye buhbye bub bye baaaaaaaaaaaaaiii buhbybye buhbyebybye bye bye bye bye buhbye goodnigiht buhbye buhbyebye goodnight bye~>mwaah>buhbybybye bhubyebuhbye byebye bye >i need to stop wait... end broadcast... okay>BYYYEEE>>95192213 she's pretty close to pulling it off without hurting herself and do whole songs it seems
no idea if shes practicing that tho