>>2593867>>2593539I'm taking the bait.
I post here because it's not about your username, some numbers, or any other bullshit.
Posting here, only one thing matters- the quality of the post itself. Good, bad, shitpost or bait- every post is anonymous and so every post is equally valid or invalid. I get to see everything- not just what's filtered through upboats or some discord shtter filtering things into neat categories. I've seen some terrible things, but I've legitimately seen arguments, points of view, and OC that I would have never experienced anywhere else. People feel more free to speak their mind here, share things that they wouldn't want their name attached to, and actually have a god damn spine because they don't have to worry about the problems of typical social media.
It also harkens back to the earlier days of the internet- where it was more of a wild west. You could go anywhere, post anything, and felt free to engage with so many different and interesting people.
You think you get that on other websites, but it's a well filtered and curated illusion to only content and posts that have the most BROAD appeal in the name of cashing clicks and views for that all mighty ad sense ad-revenue dollar.
Of course this site upsets people, it comes from the era of the internet asking you to work with it- not the internet conforming to you. If you can handle that, which everyone who sticks around can, you learn to discern the trash from the good, learn new things on the way, and indulge in unfiltered, unabridled love for hobbies you love- not just hololive on this board but viyda, traditional games, music, whatever.
I fucking love Anons and (You).