If nothing else, you must have surmised by now that the reaper kayfabe is -always- filling in for something else that she can't say out loud. Did you get mad at Off With Their Heads for being nothing but a lore song about how Shinigami value swordsmanship much like the Soul Society in Bleach? Was RED nothing but a song about the isolation that exists once Mori ends the hiatus and replaces her master as an anonymous concept who kills off her friends?
Here, I'll do 50% of the spoonfeeding: This song isn't about her changing attitudes on the undead. That's a stand-in for another kind of being that Mori was once hell-bent on resisting, condeming, and overcoming - something which she, Fra, and Ci all are, something that she's learned to accept about herself and others even if it invalidates her edgy persona.
Either that or いじめっ子Bully was all about her World of Darkness OC, but I expect more from Mori's split.