Quoted By:
In this thread, no matter how many years pass, >WE fucking LOVE Hololibe English first generation MYTH
There will never be another MYTH. They are the lightning in the fucking bottle in a sea of shit, the light in a tabernacle surrounded by dusty cobwebs, an ocean of drama and bullshit and mediocre indies and small corpos and passing time surrounds them, but they will ALWYAS be the FUCKING absolute GOATS.
There nevere could have been another Mori, only SHE could have done it. Only the Austrian could have been Kiara. Only that fucking DOPE could have been INA. Gura could have only been HER. Ame will always be AMEEEEE.
There is more talent in the fingernail of Myth than a billion 2views fighting randos on twitter and anonymously shitting up these threads, off with their heads. Those days back then were NOT just mid and seen through muh nostalgia goggles, they were genuine fucking KINO and the feelings you felt were REAL.
GURAME fucking ARE and always WILL BE. TAKAMORI is fucking ETERNAL. INA. Myth will always be the OGs.
This will always be /mythg/ and MythGODS will always RULE these fucking dogshit threads. Put some fucking Respect on their names.
yeah 10/10 the song was good, thanks Pink Woman you're okey