Quoted By:
>adopts and cares for an old cat that would have otherwise been euthanized
>cosplayed Misa Amane as a preteen to her friend's birthday party (she was the only one in costume)
>admits she was a horse girl
>still in her emo girl phase, loves singing along to classic MCR and Panic songs
>spends hours of her day inside a stuffy closet just because it gives her videos better acoustics
>doesn't even get the ASMR response herself, but loves doing ASMR because it makes her happy to help other people relax
>Still sits in her closet alone and relaxes by performing ASMR stuff on herself
>Insists that every Holo should get a bikini, maid outfit, glasses accessory and school uniform MULTIPLE times onstream
>loves animals so much that eating meat literally makes her nauseous, even though she likes the taste
>has mentioned that she enjoys slime girls and has mentioned them several times
>flies out to every offcollab on the North American continent, paying out of pocket
>has more than a half dozen frilly princess dresses in her closet that she plans on dressing up the other Holos in if they ever show up at her house
>also wears her frilly dresses in public, causing young girls to run up to her and call her a princess and declare that they want to be like her when they grow up
>unconditionally supportive of the other girls both as a fan and as a friend
>spends lots of time giving her fans advice on how to make themselves happy when she isn't streaming because she feels guilty about leaving them alone
>is motivated in her desire to become an anime onee-san despite having the bratty personality of a little sister and a love of teasing
>reads classic English poetry and pop science books about quantum physics in her spare time
>loves horror games and books despite having absolutely no stomach for suspense
>was unironically disappointed she wasn't the bustiest Council member and explodes into breast envy whenever someone calls her "medium"
>has amassed a massive stockpile of unsettling medical and biology facts that she drops into casual conversation
>her favorite word is "sanguinary", meaning "with much bloodshed"
>shamelessly baited fanartists into drawing her in a mookini and then owned up to it proudly
Saplings, is this your oshi?