>>74915357being vegan automatically classifies you as mentally deficient. Not only are you bad at making life defining decisions, you also buy into a cult based on futile hypocrisy and cynicism.
In order to arrive at veganism, one has to buy into a retarded ideology, which it's main symptom is a dangerously lackluster diet. Vegan have to take supplements, because their diet restrictions simply don't accommodate for them to have all the nutrients a human requires to exist.
A non-strict vegetarian can subsist on their diet indefinitely, not vegans.
Contemplate for a moment just what kind of mind belongs to a person to is vegan. This person is not to be trusted with important matters, their input safely discarded, for they made the conscious decision of slowly die of starvation for reasons any sane human would find ridiculous.
TLDR: Vegans are retarded.